Trend-spotting: Bolster Cushions

I'm going to stick my neck out here and predict that oversized bolster cushions are going to be everywhere over the coming months.  And not just on beds - you'll see them on bench seats and sofas too. They look so comfy and inviting - perfect for snuggling up on during the winter that is nearly upon us.

I spotted one a while back on the ever fabulous DesignLoveFest, in Bri's beautiful bedroom. (That's the light I want for my kitchen. Le sigh...)

Image: Bri Emery / DesignLoveFest
I'd been hanging on to an amazing piece of vintage Chinoiserie Linen that I'd found on eBay for a steal well over a year ago, that I just didn't know what to do with. Cutting it into smaller pieces for standard sized cushions would have wasted the design, but I didn't have enough to do much more with it. So when I saw this image, I instantly knew it was the perfect thing to make with my linen.  I used the entire width of the fabric to incorporate the beautiful lattice border.  I used the linen for the front only, piped it with black velvet, and the back is heavy-weight charcoal cotton.  I love, love, love it.  It looks like a really expensive piece, but in fact cost me less than £10 just for the pad - everything else I already had in my studio.

I think this shape looks more contemporary and relaxed than a traditional cylindrical bolster, but anything goes. Really, it's all about using a great fabric. These are a great way to add pattern to a room without the expense or commitment of wallpaper. Unless you go for über expensive fabric of course, but if you only use your 'good' fabric on the front, you don't need much at all.  My husband is so thrilled that there's another cushion on the bed. Not.