Obsessed With Lacquered Walls

I have this terrible personality trait, that sees me wanting to do the opposite of what everyone else is doing when I get bored of seeing too much of the same thing. I guess because I live, breathe and dream interiors, perpetually soaking up images and often seeing the same things over and over, I get bored and want to move on pretty fast. Don't hate me.

I was getting really over dark walls if I'm honest, until my attention shifted to lacquered walls, which has made me fall in love all over again. A dark lacquered wall is like magic. Breathing so much life into a room, and I just can't get enough.

Lacquered walls are most certainly not new, and I've always been drawn to these glamorous rooms with high shine walls, but lately the pull has become much stronger. It's amazing how much lacquered walls (and ceilings) can take that glamour to another level entirely.

Now all my flat chalky walls, look so, um.....flat. And chalky. How is it that something you once loved, can suddenly feel so....dull!?

We've not really got onto the lacquered wall thing here in the UK, and in fact all the reference images below are from homes in New York.

I'd like to think we'll see some lacquered walls popping up more and more, but I won't hold my breath. And perhaps this lack of demand is why there seems to be a complete absence of products on the market in the UK aimed at helping one get that lacquered look.

Sure we could spend literally thousands getting a pro in to do the real thing, but most of us don't have that kind of money, and I would like to achieve the look without bankrupting the family, or exposing us to noxious fumes. Surely it's possible?!

Many of the 'lacquered' walls we see these days aren't real lacquer at all - the real thing being a dying art that requires a huge amount of work and countless coats of sprayed on lacquer.

I came across a paint called Hollandlac by Fine Paints of Europe (ironically not available here!) that looks and sounds like it would be closest to the real thing. It's produced by a Dutch company who I've contacted to see if there is an equivalent available in the UK. I'm awaiting their reply and trying not to get my hopes up!

Try as I might, I can't find another single product that is marketed at creating a super high gloss lacquered look on internal walls and ceilings. Well there may be one or two but the reviews are not promising.

I expect that one way to go would be to paint your wall colour in a water-based eggshell, followed by several coats of a  crystal clear, super high-gloss water based varnish. I imagine a light sand between coats will be in order, and yes, it does sound like a lot of work.

I fully intend to do some tests with a view to doing a room or two, so will report my findings back. Meantime, let's look at some of the most glamourous and glossiest walls around...

Obsessed With Lacquered Walls - French For Pineapple Blog
Image: Jackie Astier by Eric Piasecki for Elle Decor

Will you just look at that? Doesn't that make your flat black walls, seem a little sad? People say you need to start with perfect walls because lacquer will show up every single little lump and bump, but it actually doesn't bother me and I think that a dark lacquered wall would distract somewhat from imperfections with all that light bouncing around. I want it, and I want it now.

I discovered some incredible designers whilst researching this post. And I'm so pleased I did. Jackie Astier (above, who works in fashion rather than interiors these days) is among them, and I realise now that I have pinned her entire apartment over the years without realising the various rooms were all under the one roof! Needless to say, hers is one of my all time favourite homes, and if I had black lacquered walls in my house like she does, I'd be laughing like that too!

Obsessed With Lacquered Walls - French For Pineapple Blog
Image: House Beautiful / Jonny Valiant

The image above is a space by Christina Murphy and those glorious green walls are apparently painted with the Hollandlac paint mentioned above. It only makes me want it more.

And the last image I'm going to share with you is by Lilly Bunn. Another stunning lacquered look, that's making me wonder if I'm living in the wrong city...

Obsessed With Lacquered Walls - French For Pineapple Blog
Image: Lilly Bunn

If you want to see more, pop over to my 'Lacquered' board on Pinterest where there are loads more gorgeous rooms to look at. And it's not just dark walls that look great lacquered, even white gets a personality injection when given the glossy treatment.

What do you think of lacquered walls? Have I convinced you it's the way forward, or is it a bit too over the top?

Oh, and if anyone has any actual experience in achieving a lacquered look on walls and or ceilings, please let me know what you did, I need to know!